Thursday 26 January 2012

Hope in Motion

Hello fellow blog readers,

This is my first blog of many to come which I would like to dedicate to a major chronic disease, breast cancer.
For those who would like to know who I am a little better, my name is Deana. I am a post-secondary undergraduate student hoping to major in Kinesiology. When I am not in school or working I like spending my spare time by playing volleyball or basketball, knitting, and going out with friends.


In regards to my topic, I had a grandmother and a great grandmother who passed away from breast cancer, and my mom who is a survivor. It seems to me that there is a trend for this chronic disease in my family, hence why this topic is so dear to me. In a way, I hope that those who are reading my blogs about breast cancer will understand that they are not alone and, perhaps, acquire a few new facts that they do not already know.
For me, because I am at higher risk, I would like to learn mainly about prevention which I believe is the best “treatment.” Like I have always thought, it is always better to try to avoid a disease than to become diagnosed with one and having only a possibility of it being cured. I would also like to learn about how to help cope in these types of situations because when my mom went into treatment, I was worried almost every day and night. It drove my stress levels through the roof, I could not sleep as I was always having those “what if” thoughts, and not to mention, it brought buckets full of tears.
So, with my first blog underway, whether it is you or a loved one fighting cancer, my main message would be to always have hope.
Hope for you.
Hope for your loved ones.
And hopefully one day, hope to find a cure.